Conference in this area is the best platform for networking. Knowing other EA's who
are facing the same challenges and learning from them.
Shikha SinghaniaMichelin India Private Limited
This is one of kind of programs targeting to the EA sector. Best platforms to
connect and share experiences.
Annapurna PanugantiNucleus Software Exports Ltd.
Value your role & do your best in your current role instead of aspiring to do other
things." You can never become richer by counting your neighbours wealth"
Koshika Mehrotra<Benetton India Pvt Ltd.
The good timing about this conference is that you get to meet people from different
industries and backgrounds. It is a good forums to connect. Gives you lot of
learning experiences.
Priyanka BahalPitney Bowes
Connect to people, you understand what was one thing you missed in your way of
working and A lot more exposure to would outside your company and how much more you
need to learn.
Kavita AnandInterglobe Enterprises Limited
Strong Conceptual Platform networking Opportunities insights, Thought process &
prespective at a wider view (interactive)
P. BrihadisvaranOriflame India Pvt Ltd.
One platform for many issues we face on daily basis, You will be the answers or
solution to most of them.
Anshu PunjAlight Services India Private Limited
It’s a wonderful platform to build networking knowledge sharing
Neha Agarwal RayTenneco Automotive India Pvt Ltd.
It was pleasure to attend this summit. This summit supports to build networks.